Kick Start Motorcycle School was founded with the idea that excellence in training will produce excellent riders.
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Kick Start Motorcycle School was founded with the idea that excellence in training will produce excellent riders.
In order to enroll, you must agree to all the the Terms and Conditons.
We follow all of the rules and regulations of the Motorcycle Safety Foundation (M.S.F.)
and the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulations.
If you do not show up with proper SAFETY GEAR. You will forfeit your tuition
There are no refunds after registration is completed.
If you are late or skip and segments you forfeit tuition.
If you dont finish the e Course before the riding segment you forfeit tuition
If you dont show up for class you forfeit tuition.
You have to pass both online course and riding course to get your completion certificate
We generally ride rain or shine, in the case of bad weather times may be delayed or rescheduled. These decisions will be made by the Rider Coach.
I recognize and understand the risk involved in learning to ride and riding a motorcycle. I understand that my performance will be evaluated and that I must satisfactorily complete each training phase before advancing to the next level. Should an instructor determine that I am a danger to my classmates, or myself, I will not be allowed to continue the course. I understand that this decision is for my safety and the safety of others and I will abide by the decision of the Instructor. If my lack of progress impedes or interferes with the class I may not be allowed to continue. There are No Refunds for failing or being dismissed.
In consideration for KICK START MOTORCYCLE SCHOOL, the Motorcycle Safety Foundation, Inc. (MSF) the training sponsor, the owner of the training motorcycles and premises upon with training occurs, including each of their affiliates, subsidiaries, members, employees, officers, coaches, instructors, aides, and/or agents (the Released Parties), Furnishing services, equipment and/or curriculum and permitting the undersigned to participate in this Motorcycle Safety Course, (the “Course”) the participant agrees to all of the following.
Participation in the Course requires physical stamina, motor coordination, and mental alertness. I hereby attest that I have no know physical or mental limitations and have not used any form of alcohol, or prescription or non prescription drugs that could impair my performance in the Course. Participants under 18 years of age must have this form signed by a parent or guardian IN PERSON at the training location, or this form must be NOTORIZED.
I FULLY UNDERSTAND AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT (A) this agreement is intended to be a broad and inclusive as permitted by the laws of the State in which the Course is conducted, (B) if any portion of this Agreement is for any reason held invalid or legally unenforceable, then the balance shall, notwithstanding, continue in full force and legal effect, and(C) I have had the opportunity to ask any questions about this Agreement and I fully understand its terms and meaning.
I fully understand and agree that (a) there are DANGERS AND RISKS OF INJURY, DAMAGE, OR DEATH that exist in my participation in the Course and use of motorcycles and motorcycling equipment (“motorcycling Activities”). (b) my participation in the Course and Motorcycling Activities may result in injury or illness including , but not Limited to, BODILY INJURY, DISEASE, STRAINS, FRACTURES, PARTIAL OR TOTAL PARALYSIS, OTHER AILMENTS THAT COULD CAUSE SERIOUS DISABILITY, AND DEATH, (c) these risks and dangers may be caused by n negligence of Released parties, other Course participants, or others, and my arise form foreseeable or unforeseeable causes and (d) by participation in the Course and Motorcycling Activities, I, ON BEHALF OF MYSELF, MY PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES AND MY HEIRS, HEREBY KNOWINILY AND VOLUNTARILY ASSUME ALL RISKS AND ALL RESPONSIBILITY, AND AGREE TO RELEASE THE RELEASED PARTIES FOR ANY INJURIES, LOSSSES AND/OR DAMAGES, including those caused solely or in part by negligence of the Released Parties or any other person. If I have brought a motorcycle for helmet to use in the course, this agreement applies to any damage that occurs to or from my motorcycle or helmet during the Course.
I fully understand and agree that , on behalf of myself, my personal representatives and my heirs, I hereby covenant not to sue, and am relinquishing any and all rights I now have or may have in the future to sue the released parties for any and all injury, damage, or death, whether known or unknown, that I may suffer arising from the Course, or from motorcycle riding or its equipment, including claims based on the Released parties negligence.
I, on behalf of myself my personal representatives and my heirs, have read this agreement and agree to hold harmless, defend, and indemnify the Released Parties from any and all claims, suits, or caused of action by any third parties, including Released Parties or other Course participants, for bodily injury, property damage, or other damages that may arise out of my used of motorcycles and motorcycle equipment or my participation in the Course, including claims arising from the negligence of Released Parties, other Course participants, or any other party